Alumni News
Dr. Kenneth Czuprynski (2017) moved to Penn State University as a Research Associate, beginning Fall 2019.
Dr. Gregory J. Ongie (2016) became a Postdoctoral Scholar in Department of Statistics, University of Chicago, beginning August 2018.
Dr. Boshi Yang (2015) moved to Clemson University as a tenure track assistant professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, beginning Fall 2016.
Dr. Nathan Ellingwood (2014) began his work in Research and Development at Sandia National Labs in August 2015.
Dr. Qiwei Shen (2013) moved to Oak Ridge National Laboratory as a post-doc research associate in Spring 2015.
Dr. Kamuela (Wela) Yong (2012) accepted an assistant professor position at the University of Hawaii West Oahu, to begin August 2015.
Dr. Yuan Wu (2010) moved to Duke University in Fall 2013, as a tenure track assistant professor in the Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics.
Dr. Hongbo Dong (2011) moved to Washington State University in Fall 2013, as a tenure track assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics.
Dr. Lina Xu (1996) became the director of the MS graduate program in Actuarial Science at Columbia University, starting Fall 2013.
Dr. Ian Besse (2010) moved to Pacific University (Forest Grove, Oregon) in Fall 2012, as a tenure track assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Dr. Mihai Anitescu (1997), a Computational Mathematician at Argonne National Lab, was appointed a professor (part-time) in the Department of Statistics, University of Chicago in 2009.
Dr. Adrian Sandu (1997) joined Virginia Tech in 2003 and is a professor in the Department of Computer Science.