The symposium will be held at the University of Northern Iowa, Maucker Union, Rooms A & B for those who want to attend in person and online via Zoom for anyone who wants to attend virtually. You must register to receive the link to the virtual event.
Registration is free and open to industry professionals, academic faculty and students interested in the fields of data science, analytics, computer science, statistics, mathematics, engineering, and business.
University of Iowa Computer Science Professor Bijaya Adhikari will be speaking noon-1 about “Data Driven Real-Time Epidemic Forecasting.”
"The currently unfolding COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the necessity of robust real time epidemic forecasting models. It also has led to a maturing of methods for epidemic modeling and forecasting with the CDC establishing the first Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics in 2021. A variety of forecasting innovations in machine learning and deep learning were developed, with many lessons learned for COVID-19 and future pandemics. In this talk, I will highlight two specific data driven epidemic forecasting models, CALINET and DEEPCOVID, which were designed to predict influenza cases in presence of COVID-19 and COVID-19 incidence, respectively. These models have regularly performed well in real time forecasting (top 5 in CDC COVID-19 Forecast Hub) and have won multiple awards."
Other speakers include faculties from Iowa State and UNI and a data scientist from John Deere.
To register to attend in person or online, please follow this link.